What Age do Kids See The Dentist?
When teeth first appear & routinely after the age of three.
Early warning signs for mouth problems can be picked up as soon as teeth start appearing in the mouth. It’s important to visit the Dentist at this time. After the initial visit, regular appointments can begin at the age of around 3 depending on how the teeth present themselves.
Family Dentist
We offer a wide variety of dental services, from cleaning to surgical to cosmetic. Whatever you are looking to get done, we are sure we can assist you.
Canada Dental Benefit
The Government of Canada has approved a new benefit for children under 12. This initiative will provide parents with up to $650 per child for dental care in each of the next two years. Those with an adjusted family net income of up to $90,000 are eligible. At Smiles on 34th, we’re pleased to provide you with a full range of pediatric dental services. Apply now for the Canada Dental Benefit and keep your children’s smiles healthy for a lifetime.